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HOW LONG WILL THE TRAINING TAKE & WHEN DO I HAVE TO HAVE IT COMPLETED?Our philosophy allows members to best fit their volunteer fire service life into their personal life. If you want to become an Interior Firefighter, it’s going to take the biggest initial time investment as the PA Entry Level Firefighter Program is over 180 hours. The program is divided into modules and can be completed within a few months’ time, or spread out over time as an individual can fit the modules into their schedule. Some new members prefer to complete the program over a short period of time, and others need to spread it out over time. Click here for more information on the PA Entry Level Firefighter Program.
HOW MUCH TIME WILL I BE EXPECTED TO VOLUNTEER?On average, members dedicate about 40 to 50 hours of time each year. To maintain active status as a member of the Company, you must attend a minimum of 10 activities (incidents, training, meetings, etc.) during the calendar year. There are ongoing training requirements to maintain your operational firefighter status. Interior firefighters must attend at least 10 training activities for a total of 20 hours during the calendar year. Operational members are encouraged to attend as many calls as possible, but there are currently no minimum call attendance requirements for members who are not part of our live-in program.
WILL I HAVE TO PAY FOR EQUIPMENT & TRAINING?No. All required equipment and training are paid for by us.
WILL I BE REQUIRED TO BE ON CALL AT CERTAIN TIMES?No. Members are encouraged to respond to calls whenever possible, but we have not found the need to require duty or on call times for members.
WHEN ARE COMPANY MEETINGS & TRAININGS?Most company training drills are held each Tuesday evening at 7 pm. Some special training events are offered on alternative days of the week throughout the year. Monthly business meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 7 pm.
WHAT IF I AM AT A CALL AND MUST LEAVE FOR WORK OR FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES?Let the officer in charge of the incident know that you must leave. For extended calls, we often try to identify members that need to leave, and release them on vehicles no longer needed at the scene.
IS THERE A PROBATIONARY PERIOD?Yes. There are two types of probation. As a member of the company (meaning your ability to vote on company matters and elections, and run for elected positions) you must serve a probation period of one year. As an operational member (meaning your status as a firefighter), probationary status depends on the level of training you have completed. A six-month probation period is required for members with a level of training below Module 4 of the PA Entry Level Firefighter program. New members without previous fire training are on probationary status until completion of Module 3 of the Entry Level Firefighter program.
HOW WILL OTHER MEMBERS KNOW TO NOT ASK ME TO DO SOMETHING I HAVEN'T BEEN TRAINED TO DO?Different colored helmet shields are issued based on probationary status and training level to help officers and senior firefighters identify a member’s capabilities when assigning tasks.
DO I NEED TO PROVIDE CLEARANCES?Yes. Because we have minors through our junior member program, anyone aged 18 or older must provide clearances as required by the PA Child Protective Services Law. Specific information on how to obtain this information can be obtained by clicking on the clearances page.
HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN THERE IS A CALL?Members are assigned voice radio pagers that activate when a call is dispatched. We also use text messaging systems that can be set up on your phone.
WHAT IF I AM INJURED WHILE PERFORMING MY DUTIES AS A VOLUNTEER?The Township of Pine is required by the state to provide workers’ compensation insurance for the volunteer fire company. If you’re injured, your care will be administered through the Township’s workers’ comp insurance carrier.
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